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Image Descriptions for SEO Customer Journey Looker Studio Template

Below are high-level image descriptions for the charts located in my SEO Customer Journey Looker Studio Template. These images provide a big-picture view without diving into the specifics, as the data they represent is always on the move, updating monthly or even daily.

If you ever find yourself needing more detail, an export of a data from the charts, or a different explanation format, I’m just an email away at christina@mediasesh.com. Helping of make sense of the data, no matter your preferred method of communication, is something I take seriously. I’m still learning, so thoughts and feedback are invaluable.

Executive Dashboards

  1. Executive Summary: This slide includes sections for Top Insights, Action Items – In Progress, and Action Items – Complete. The Top Insights section offers guidance on framing findings with three key questions: what happened, what caused it to happen, and what should we do next. Below are two example analyses: Organic Traffic & Revenue, and Keyword Distribution, each showcasing visual graphs and metrics for illustration.
  2. Customer Journey KPIs & Goals: This dashboard includes sections for the funnel stages: Attract (Top of Funnel), Engage (Middle of Funnel), and Convert (Bottom of Funnel), each showing metrics and graphs for impressions, keywords, average position, sessions, sessions per user, engagement rate, products sold, average order value, and item revenue. Performance Pacing and Performance Goals sections provide visualizations for session, conversion, and revenue targets, tracking progress against monthly and overall goals.
  3. Brand & Intent Overview: Includes sections for Brand Overview, highlighting clicks from branded and non-branded queries, and summarizing click sources and revenue. It features tables for Brand Keywords, Intent Keywords, and Intent Pages, showing impressions, clicks, and rank for keywords across different funnel stages (Attract, Engage, Convert) and listing sessions, conversions, and revenue for various pages. Graphs and metrics visually support the analysis of brand and intent keyword performance.
  4. Search Visibility Insights: Includes sections for High-Level SERP Visibility, showing impressions, clicks, and average rank with visual graphs. Keyword Distribution and Keyword Length sections display data on keyword rankings and lengths with corresponding charts and percentages. Top Performing Keywords & Growth and Top Performing Pages & Growth sections highlight keywords and pages with the highest clicks and growth. The Search Types section breaks down impressions and clicks across different types like web, image, video, and Discover.
  5. Visitor Acquisition: The dashboard includes sections for Channel Breakdown, Search Engines, SEO & PPC, and Sources Breakdown. Channel Breakdown displays the top traffic, conversion, and revenue channels with visual graphs and tables. Search Engines section lists top search engines by sessions, engagement rate, session duration, and revenue. SEO & PPC section highlights cumulative visits, conversions, and revenue from organic and paid search with comparative graphs. Sources Breakdown shows top sources by sessions, conversions, and revenue, providing insights into traffic sources and their performance.
  6. SEO Audience Profile: Includes sections for Gender, Ages, Countries, and Devices. The Gender section shows a comparison of male and female visitors, with corresponding sessions and revenue. The Ages section provides a breakdown of visitors by age groups, displaying sessions and revenue for each group. The Countries section highlights visitor data by country, showing impressions, sessions, conversions, and revenue with visual maps and tables. The Devices section presents data on impressions, sessions, conversions, and revenue across mobile, desktop, and tablet devices, with corresponding pie charts and tables.
  7. SEO Engagement Metrics: Includes sections for Organic Traffic & Goals, Organic Products, Top SEO Landing Pages, New vs Returning, and All Traffic vs SEO. Organic Traffic & Goals shows sessions, conversions, and revenue with visual graphs. Organic Products highlights the highest-selling and highest-revenue products. Top SEO Landing Pages section displays the top pages by sessions, conversions, and revenue with corresponding graphs. New vs Returning section compares new and returning visits from organic search. All Traffic vs SEO section compares overall traffic and SEO-specific traffic metrics, including users, sessions, engagement rate, bounce rate, conversions, conversion rate, revenue, and average time on site, with visual tables and charts.
  8. Glossary: Provides definitions for various SEO and marketing terms. Key terms are defined such as Attract, Engage, Convert, Branded, Non-Branded, Channel Groupings, Sessions, Conversions, Revenue, Impressions, and Clicks. Additional terms include Average Rankings, Keyword Distribution, Keyword Length, Search Types, Page Title, Keyword Cannibalization, Search Intent, Source, Medium, Multichannel, 404 Error, Revenue Per User, Users, New vs Returning Users, Conversion Rate, Average Order Value, # Items Viewed, Added to Cart, Items at Checkout, and Items Purchased. Definitions are concise and organized in a two-column layout.

Visibility Performance

  1. Visibility Snapshot: Includes sections for Impressions, Clicks, Avg Rankings, Visibility Trends, Keywords Filter, and Pages Filter. Impressions show how many times the website appeared in search results. Clicks indicate how many times users clicked on the website pages. Avg Rankings display the average keyword ranking. Visibility Trends graph shows website visibility over time. Keywords Filter lists queries the website ranks for, and Pages Filter shows performance of various pages in search results, with clickable options to update charts.
  2. Keyword Visibility Deltas: Includes sections for Impressions, Clicks, and Avg Rank. Each section highlights keywords with notable month-over-month (MoM) and year-over-year (YoY) changes. Impressions section shows keywords with significant increases and decreases in impressions. Clicks section displays keywords with notable changes in clicks. Avg Rank section highlights keywords with changes in average rankings. Visual graphs accompany each section, and there are options to filter by query and URL.
  3. Page Visibility Deltas: This dashboard includes sections for Impressions, Clicks, and Avg Rank. Each section highlights pages with notable month-over-month (MoM) and year-over-year (YoY) changes. Impressions section shows pages with significant increases and decreases in impressions. Clicks section displays pages with notable changes in clicks. Avg Rank section highlights pages with changes in average rankings. Visual graphs accompany each section, and there are options to filter by query and URL.
  4. Keyword Distribution: This dashboard includes sections for Distribution Breakdown, Keyword Shifts, Keyword Distribution Trends, % Breakdown, and Keyword Visibility Filter. Distribution Breakdown shows how many keywords are ranking in various SERP positions. Keyword Shifts highlight the number of keywords that improved or declined MoM. Keyword Distribution Trends graph displays how keyword distribution has changed over time. % Breakdown pie chart shows the percentage of keywords in different ranking categories. Keyword Visibility Filter lists keywords with their average rank, impressions, clicks, and CTR, with options to filter by query and URL.
  5. Keyword Length: Includes sections for Keyword Length Breakdown, % Breakdown, Visibility Curve, KW Length Overview, and Keyword Length Filter. Keyword Length Breakdown shows the number of short-tail, mid-tail, and long-tail keywords. % Breakdown pie chart displays the proportion of each keyword length category. Visibility Curve graph highlights the relationship between keyword length, impressions, and CTR. KW Length Overview provides data on rank, impressions, clicks, and CTR for each keyword length type. Keyword Length Filter lists keywords with their average rank, impressions, clicks, and CTR, with options to filter by keyword length, query, and URL.
  6. Search Types: This dashboard includes sections for Web, Images, Video, Discover, and URL Search Type Visibility. Each section displays how many pages are shown in search results for different types: web, images, video, and Google Discover. Graphs show impressions and clicks, with month-over-month (MoM) and year-over-year (YoY) changes. URL Search Type Visibility lists URLs with checkmarks indicating their presence in various search types, along with their impressions and clicks.

Visibility Refinement

  1. New & Lost Keywords: Includes sections for # Ranking Keywords, New Keywords, Lost Keywords, and Sample New and Lost Keywords. # Ranking Keywords shows the total number of keywords the site is ranking for and trends over time. New Keywords section displays the number of new keywords the site is currently ranking for, while Lost Keywords section shows the number of keywords the site no longer ranks for. Sample New and Lost Keywords section lists specific new and lost keywords along with their current and previous ranks. There are options to filter and view additional details on keyword performance.
  2. New & Lost Pages: This dashboard includes sections for # Ranking Pages, New Pages, Lost Pages, and Sample New and Lost Pages. # Ranking Pages shows the total number of pages the site is ranking for and trends over time. New Pages section displays the number of new pages the site is currently ranking for, while Lost Pages section shows the number of pages the site no longer ranks for. Sample New and Lost Pages section lists specific new and lost pages along with their current and previous ranks. There are options to filter and view additional details on page performance.
  3. Pages With & Without Clicks: Includes sections for # Pages, Pages w/ Click, Pages w/o Click, % Ownership, Pages With and Without Clicks, and Keyword Filter. # Pages shows the total number of indexed pages. Pages w/ Click displays the number of pages that have received at least one click, while Pages w/o Click shows pages that have not received any clicks. % Ownership bar chart shows the proportion of pages with and without clicks. Pages With and Without Clicks section lists specific pages with their rank, impressions, number of keywords, and clicks. Keyword Filter lists queries with their ranking, providing options to optimize specific keywords.
  4. Page Title Evaluation: Includes sections for Potential Page Title Changes, Discover When Page Titles Have Been Updated, and Keyword Included in Page Title. Potential Page Title Changes section allows users to click on URLs to suggest and select page titles. Discover When Page Titles Have Been Updated section displays a graph showing updates to page titles over time. Keyword Included in Page Title section lists queries with their page titles, URLs, impressions, clicks, CTR, and rank, providing insights on whether the keyword is included in the page title and its impact on performance. Filter options are available for query and URL.
  5. Visibility Overlaps: Includes sections for Potential Keyword Cannibalization and Potential Search Intent Mismatches. Potential Keyword Cannibalization section allows users to click on queries to evaluate URLs with impressions, clicks, and ranks to identify overlapping keywords. Potential Search Intent Mismatches section lists queries with their intent, file names, impressions, clicks, and ranks to determine if there is a mismatch between the search query intent and the content of the ranking page. Filter options are available for query, URL, and intent match.
  6. Page Title Errors & Warnings: Includes sections for 404 Errors, Duplicate Page Titles, Long Page Title, and Page Filter. 404 Errors section lists pages that are unavailable. Duplicate Page Titles section highlights pages with potentially duplicate titles. Long Page Title section shows pages with titles that are too long and may truncate in search results. Page Filter section lists pages by session count, allowing users to click on a row to view specific URL errors and warnings.
  7. Page (Re)optimizations: This dashboard includes steps to select a page URL and filter by keyword. The Page Visibility Trends section shows how the selected landing page has performed over time with impressions, clicks, and average rankings. The dashboard also displays top keywords in different ranking tiers: Top 3, #4-10, #11-20, #21-100, and #101+, listing queries and their ranks to identify potential keywords for optimization.
  8. Pre-Click Page Comparisons: This dashboard includes a Page vs Page Comparison section that allows users to compare different pages or time periods. Two URL filters are available to select pages for comparison, along with optional timeframes. The comparison displays graphs of impressions, clicks, and average rankings for each page. Below the graphs, tables list queries with their impressions, clicks, and ranks, allowing for a detailed performance assessment of each page.


  1. Channel Groupings: Includes sections for Channel Groupings Trend, Sessions vs Revenue Comparison, Percent of Total, and Channel Deltas. Channel Groupings Trend shows how channels have trended over the past month with a graph of sessions and total revenue. Sessions vs Revenue Comparison visualizes the relationship between sessions and revenue for different channels. Percent of Total displays the percentage each channel contributes to total sessions, conversions, and revenue. Channel Deltas section highlights month-over-month (MoM) and year-over-year (YoY) changes in sessions, conversions, and revenue for each channel, providing insights into channel performance and trends.
  2. Source / Medium Breakdown: This dashboard includes sections for Source / Medium Trends and Source / Medium Flow Filter. Source / Medium Trends shows how sources and mediums have trended over the past month with a graph displaying sessions and total revenue. Source / Medium Flow Filter section allows users to select sources to analyze their performance metrics, including sessions, engaged sessions, engagement rate, average duration, conversions, conversion rate, and revenue. Below, the View Page Data section lists specific pages with their session metrics and revenue, providing detailed insights into page performance based on selected sources.
  3. AI & LLM Traffic Sources: This dashboard includes sections for # Sources, Sessions, Conversions, Revenue, and AI & LLM Performance. # Sources shows the number of AI and LLM-related sources generating traffic. Sessions displays the number of sessions these sources generated. Conversions indicates the number of conversions from these sources. Revenue shows the revenue generated by these sources. AI & LLM Performance section provides detailed insights into the performance of selected sources, listing landing pages with their corresponding sessions, conversions, and revenue.
  4. Forum Sources: Includes sections for # Sources, Sessions, Conversions, Revenue, and Forum Performance. # Sources shows the number of forum-related sources generating traffic. Sessions displays the number of sessions these sources generated. Conversions indicates the number of conversions from these sources. Revenue shows the revenue generated by these sources. Forum Performance section provides detailed insights into discussions about the brand on various forum websites, listing sources, full page URLs, sessions, conversions, and revenue.
  5. Multichannel Correlation: Includes sections for Multichannel Correlation Snapshot and Multichannel Correlation Breakdown. Multichannel Correlation Snapshot shows how Organic Search performance has been influenced by Paid Search, displaying sessions, MoM, YoY, conversions, and revenue for both channels. Multichannel Correlation Breakdown allows users to analyze correlations between different channels over time, displaying a graph and table with session data for selected channels, including Paid Search and Organic Search, across multiple months. Filter options are available for channels and landing pages.
  6. SEO & PPC Efficiency: Includes sections for PPC Ranking Only, SEO Ranking Only, Both Ranking, and PPC & SEO Alignment. PPC Ranking Only shows the number of keywords appearing only in PPC. SEO Ranking Only displays the number of keywords appearing only in SEO. Both Ranking indicates the number of keywords ranking in both PPC and SEO. PPC & SEO Alignment section helps identify SEO keywords to consider for PPC and vice versa, listing PPC and SEO keywords with their URLs and indicating if they match. Filter options are available for PPC group, query, and URL, as well as SEO query and URL.


  1. SEO Device Visibility: This dashboard includes sections for Device Ownership, Device Visibility Trend, Keyword Rankings & Gaps, and Device Visibility Deltas. Device Ownership shows a pie chart of impressions and clicks across desktop, mobile, and tablet devices. Device Visibility Trend graph displays impressions and clicks trends for different device types over the past month. Keyword Rankings & Gaps lists queries with their ranks across desktop, mobile, and tablet, highlighting gaps. Device Visibility Deltas section shows month-over-month (MoM) and year-over-year (YoY) changes in impressions, clicks, CTR, and rank for each device type, with filter options for pages.
  2. SEO Device Engagement: This dashboard includes sections for Device Performance, Device Engagement Trend, Landing Pages & Gaps, and Device Engagement Deltas. Device Performance shows a pie chart comparing sessions, conversions, and revenue across desktop, mobile, and tablet devices. Device Engagement Trend graph displays trends for sessions, conversions, and revenue for various device types over the past month. Landing Pages & Gaps section lists top landing pages with visibility across all device types, showing engagement metrics. Device Engagement Deltas section shows month-over-month (MoM) and year-over-year (YoY) changes in sessions, conversions, revenue, and conversion rate for each device type, with filter options for pages.
  3. SEO Location Visibility: Includes sections for Country Visibility Trends, Country Visibility Performance, % Breakdown (top 10), Keyword Filter, and Page Filter. Country Visibility Trends shows how top countries have trended over the past twelve months with a bar graph. Country Visibility Performance displays a world map highlighting visibility performance by country, accompanied by a table with impressions, clicks, and ranks. % Breakdown (top 10) pie chart shows the proportion of visibility among the top 10 countries. Keyword Filter lists queries with their impressions, clicks, and ranks, allowing users to see performance across different geographical locations. Page Filter provides insights into the performance of specific URLs across various countries. Filter options are available for regions like NA, EMEA, APAC, and LATAM.
  4. SEO Location Engagement: This dashboard includes sections for Country Trends, Country Post-Click Performance, Languages, and Landing Page Filter. Country Trends shows how top countries have trended over the past twelve months with a bar graph. Country Post-Click Performance displays a world map indicating where inbound visits originate, accompanied by a table with sessions, conversions, and revenue by country. Languages section lists the languages being used or translated, with metrics on sessions, engagement rate, conversion rate, and revenue. Landing Page Filter provides insights into the performance of specific landing pages, showing sessions, engagement rate, conversion rate, and revenue, with filter options for different regions such as NA, EMEA, APAC, and LATAM.
  5. SEO Demographics: Includes sections for Gender Breakdown, Age Breakdown, and Landing Page Filter. Gender Breakdown shows the gender distribution of users and their engagement metrics, including engagement rate, bounce rate, revenue per user, and total revenue. Age Breakdown provides insights into the age distribution of users, showing engagement metrics for different age groups. The Landing Page Filter section allows users to click on specific pages to dynamically update the charts, exploring additional insights on the gender and age distribution of website visitors, with metrics on users, engagement rate, bounce rate, revenue per user, and total revenue. Filter options are available for gender and age.


  1. SEO Content Engagement: This dashboard includes sections for Subfolders, New vs Returning, Users by Day, Users by Hour, and Page Filter. Subfolders section displays a pie chart showing how users have engaged with different subfolder categories, with metrics on sessions, engagement rate (ER), and bounce rate (BR). New vs Returning section shows the proportion of new vs returning visitors. Users by Day highlights the most visited days of the week. Users by Hour graph indicates specific times of the day when users visit and engage with the website. Page Filter section lists landing pages with their engagement metrics, including users, sessions, engagement rate, and bounce rate, allowing users to click on a URL to update the rest of the charts. Filter options are available for pages.
  2. SEO Page Performance: Includes sections for Sessions, Conversions, Revenue, and Top Organic Landing Pages. Sessions section shows the number of distinct user interaction periods on the website with MoM and YoY changes. Conversions section displays the number of specific actions or goals completed by users with MoM and YoY changes. Revenue section indicates the total money generated from user transactions with MoM and YoY changes. Top Organic Landing Pages lists the top landing pages, showing metrics for sessions, conversions, and revenue, along with their MoM and YoY changes. Page Filter option allows users to analyze and compare metrics for specific pages or groups of pages.
  3. SEO Product Performance: Includes sections for Products Purchased, Product Revenue, Product Funnel, % Breakdown (top 10), Top 5 Products, Avg Order Value, and Product Engagement. Products Purchased displays the number of products purchased over time with MoM and YoY changes. Product Revenue shows the revenue generated from sold products over time with MoM and YoY changes. Product Funnel visualizes the user journey from products viewed to items purchased, highlighting continuation and abandonment rates. % Breakdown (top 10) pie chart shows the proportion of top 10 products. Top 5 Products lists the top products by number purchased and revenue. Avg Order Value shows the average amount spent per transaction with MoM and YoY changes. Product Engagement section details metrics for products sold, revenue, average order value (AOV), and conversion rates with MoM and YoY changes, allowing filtering by product name.
  4. Post-Click Page Comparisons: Includes sections for Page vs Page Comparison. The comparison allows users to examine various pages or time frames to evaluate their success. The page features two URL filters with optional time frame selections. Each side displays graphs comparing sessions and revenue for All Traffic and SEO Traffic. Below the graphs, detailed metrics are provided, including users, sessions, users per session, engagement rate, bounce rate, conversions, conversion rate, revenue, and average time. These metrics help identify opportunities for optimizing overall performance, user engagement, and user experience.

Final Note

Please note that navigating Looker Studio with a screen reader might present challenges in certain situations. While the image descriptions provided aim to be useful, I acknowledge they may not capture all the specific data points you’re seeking. Should you have any accessibility concerns, or if you wish to share feedback, questions, or comments, I warmly invite you to reach out to me via email at christina@mediasesh.com. Your input is invaluable and I’m here to assist you in any way I can!